Saturday, March 23, 2013


This is a photo of my backyard.  I took it because the rain helped the weeds in my backyard look like grass, giving the appearance of a lawn.  I thought I'd memorialize it.

My iPhone has become my camera.  It is easier to use than a traditional point-and-shoot camera with auto focus.  With the iPhone, you just whip out the phone and shoot.  There is no focusing or adjusting, just shoot.  The iPhone and apps have created a new type of photography, iPhoneography.  One of the app that I used in this photo is InstaWeatherPRO.  This app and others, InstaPlace, and InstaFood, add a little information to your picture.  I feel it's like a tiny blog on the photo.  I try and post a photo  everyday, so follow me on Instagram.

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