Saturday, March 26, 2011

Week 12 of 52

This past week has been the busiest I can remember, but I got my shooting done. It is amazing to me that once I set aside the time and begin to shot, time seems to melt away. I begin and just fall into it. That is a good thing. I need to do what is me, or as someone put it to me just yesterday, "You got to do you." Having just finished the Ken Robinson book, The Element, photography is one of those things that's me. It is not just photography, it is anything that allows my creative juices to flow. And there is a product at the end of it. Drawing is another. Not that I can draw, but I think about drawing something over and over in my mind and try to do it. The other thing when I'm in a real groove and rested, cooking does it too. Whipping up a new recipe, perfecting an old one or just cooking for a small group of friends is "doin' me!"

So, this week the MCP 52 Project theme was out of the jewelry box. Well I do have a jewelry box but I don't keep my jewelry in it. I keep mine in various tins organized by type and metal, earrings, rings, bracelets, etc, and gold, or silver. I remembered that my mom has a jewelry cabinet. As she used to say, "When you get this old, you'll have this much stuff." And so, she got a jewelry cabinet. It stands about three and a half feet high, double doors with hooks on the inside to hang necklaces and earrings, six to seven drawers to put other small items and a large shelf for larger items. I guess for huge cuff bracelets, crowns, tiaras and the like. Oh yeah, it is an Asian motif, which is some much of who my mother was.

Now, to the photo of the week. Week 12's theme from the MCP 52 Project is Out of the Jewelry Box and my year long theme is Structure. I decided to use my mother's jewelry box and just pulled out a drawer of white, pearl type beads and began to shoot. These beautiful beads are Out of the Jewelry Box to meet the MCP 52 Project theme. And my mom collecting jewelry for over 60 years is only part of the structure. She, like me, always wore jewelry. She always had here rings and necklaces while I feel naked without my earrings. Jewelry is a structure in my life. Please be sure to check out the other photos from the jewelry box drawer at my flickr site and let me know what you think.

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