Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week 9 of 52

Wow!, I posted on facebook and flickr last week but not here. That messy because I referenced this blog for more details. Sorry followers. Here is Week 9 of 52.

The MCP 52 Project's theme for Week 9 was Express Yourself and as a reminder, my is Structure. These are the hands of a co-worker who is a very talented artist who expresses himself through his drawing of automobiles. He has a habit of going home after work, a 10 our day, get a beer, puts on a CD and draws. That's his structure. That's what he does to unwind.

Because I was down to the wire with time and needed to shoot something, he obliged me when I asked. I don't feel this photos does justice to the concept or his hands. This is what happens when I wait to the last minute to do things. Hopefully I will be able to redeem his shoot. You can see the other photos in this series at

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